
koma design

these two illutrations are from the koma design website, for HUCK magazine. (some really cool stuff!) - i really like that this is symmetrical.  



it was our final show the other night. afterwards some of us went to get some chinese food. these little numbers were passed to me by Mr Luke 'Weegi' Dowson (of walk to scotland fame...) i saved them i think they are cool.  

Its worth clicking the image for a larger one. 



i like collections

collage from college

got all my notebooks back from college today, which is really nice. also got photoshop and new ilife. these are some scanned colleges from a little scrapbook i kept this year.  i really like them and enjoyed making them. think ill start again.   



some pictures of some t-shirts i made. there was meant to be a third but i dropped it and then stood on it and it got all dirty.  the scull ones my favorite its some really old illustration i found it in this little book in leeds college of art and design library, the books got loads of pictures that are entitled things like: death, woman killing husband and rape. its a sick book. i cant find the name of the artists and its pissing me off. 


this is the best thing ever. around 47 secods is really good.


willy vanderperre

really into photographs by this photographer at the moment. his portfolio can be viewed at:


clever plants

went to walk my dog and came across these plants. really clever, they hold water in like a little cup and the over flow from the cup above goes into a bigger cup just bellow. natures really clever. 

thats a wank drawing of the plant, i should find out what the species is i suppose.


Never Stop Working

final major project and foundation are now both over, leaving me with a lot more spare time to do stuff like this. Never stop working is a piece of advice given the other day in a pub, i am to take that advice. 
It was really cool to see everyones work up on the walls of collage, its interesting to see work in other areas that i hadn't had the opportunity to see. On the whole I'm really pleased with my final piece. 

shelf with pencil - cassette tape player - and bag for responses.

pencil in hole

what's your favourite song? and slot for responses. 

the project was based on drawing and the things which are linked with drawing for example music and sound.  Basically when the pencil is picked up the motor on the tape player is on this starts the sound (i did this by placing  a micro switch between the motor for the tape reel and the power.) when the pencil is finished with and retuned to hole the sound stops. 

i might try and include a video of it in action...